7 Hacks for Wearing Your Dirndl in the Heat of Summer
For most of us, the “Dirndl wearing season” starts up as the weather warms up. In the south, you may find yourself wearing your dirndl in the summer… but then it’s REAL hot! And that’s why I’ve put together my best tips for wearing your Dirndl in the heat of the summer. With these hacks, you’ll no longer fear 90+ degrees (even though we do not guarantee you won’t get any boob sweat… no getting away from that).

#1 Wear Cap Sleeve or Sleeveless Blouse
Letting those underarms breathe makes such a difference when it is blazin’ hot. Most dirndls are made to be worn with a blouse and you can’t be walking around with your bra showing, so a sleeveless blouse or blouse with a small cap sleeve is the way to go. You could also get away with a tank-top if you have a sportier-dirndl.
I really love the Blouslette: a sleeveless blouse - it's not only comfortable, but can give you the feeling of not wearing a blouse without showing off your bra ;) This blouse is great in all 4 colors and I think it is a must have for the summer months. The elastic straps cross in the back and keep in mind, you don’t have to wear a strapless bra because the shoulders of your dirndl will cover them. They are great for summer picnics, festivals, or early Oktoberfests!

Here is a video to help you see the difference between a tank and a sleeveless dirndl blouse:
Another option is the Off-the-Shoulder Blouse (our most popular blouse) – a classic dirndl look and is the perfect blouse for an Oktoberfest! Whether it is gathered in the center or ungathered, it is a great choice for pretty much any dirndl. Pop on some comfortable little heels and your ready to go to Okotberfest. And… if you're worried about the Off-the-Shoulder Blouse annoyingly popping up onto your shoulders, Forgetaboutit!! This blouse is designed to stay off the shoulder and this video proves it!
#2 Sandals
There are really no “rules” for what shoes you can wear with your dirndl and if it’s a bazillion degrees outside, you can most certainly wear a nice pair of sandals or flip-flops with your dirndl.

#3 Ditch the Petticoat
I know it’s a super cute look, but that puppy is going to increase your swass by a million.
#4 Wear Bloomers
“Are you nuts? Why would I add another layer of clothing?” 1 word: Chafing. Bloomers are a godsend when it comes to summer thigh sweat which will cause major chafing and then not only are you hot & sweaty, but now your thighs burn. Do your summer legs a favor and wear bloomers. And BONUS, now you can stand in a nice breezy place to cool down without worrying about anyone seeing your Unterhosen.

#5 Braids
Keeping your hair up in cute french or dutch braids is a great way to keep your hair off your neck and still looks adorable. Click here to see a list of our favorite hair braiding tutorials.

#6 Wear Sunscreen or Stay in the Shade
Take it from me… a regular user of spf 900, you don’t want to be rocking a red sweetheart neckline for the rest of the summer. So slather that sunscreen on before you get dressed and re-apply as needed. Or you can stay in the shade, but you’ve been warned! Blouse burns… not a cute look.
#7 Use a Small Purse
While backpacks are super convenient, that extra heat on your back is going to cause excess sweat that you don’t need. Try using a fanny pack or small cross-body bag for the event. You won’t regret it. Do you have other tips and tricks for wearing your dirndl when it’s blazin’ hot outside? Share them with me in the comments below!
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