Kickass Tuba Player with a Stars Dirndl? YUP that's Lauren!
Well it all started in China... Not your typical start to a Dirndl story.
I played tuba in a concert band called Windiana and back is 2006 we went on our first tour of China. On this trip the Griffiths from Southwest Michigan were filling some spots in the band. They told me about their German Band Ein Prosit and how they needed more low brass players. I thought it was a long way to go for gigs, but there was beer and food at all gigs so I gave it a try. I loved playing Polka music! I grew up in a very Polish family, so this style of music was in my blood from a young age. Once I decided to join the band full time I got a cheaper dress second hand. Fast forward a few years and this dress was worse for the wear because I had joined a second group called the German Band Inc. and the Alpine Echoes Alpinehorn Group.

During a trip from NW Indiana to Grand Rapids for a gig the Sturgeons (the directors) talked about Trachten. I decided I needed something new. Little did I know destiny would strike and there would be a Rare Dirndl fashion show at the Oktoberfest. I fell in love with the funky modern style and knew where my next Dirndl would be from. Two weeks later I was the proud owner of my second Dirndl. My Polish grandpa approves because he says I look very Eastern European in it. Another flash forward to one of Erika’s One-of-a-Kind Dirndl sales and suddenly I was the proud owner of another dress, but this time it was a Star Wars Dirndl. I also own every Krampus scarf thus far...

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