Yesterday was my cousin's son, Erik's 10th birthday, so we all went over to his house to celebrate. We had roast lamb, fresh home-grown hydroponic lettuce and pasta. For day 7, I went with the Day Break Dirndl, Sweetheart Blouse with Draped Sleeves in black, black tights and a sweater. I chose this dirndl because I thought it was springy but also could pass as a party dress. With a black blouse I don't think it looks super dirndl-y.


My family follows my blog, so they were not surprised to see me in my dirndl at the party and my non-family members didn't say anything either. I felt completely comfortable in my dirndl... until I ate a pieces of birthday cake, bunt cake, rhubarb pie, vanilla ice cream and chocolate ice cream. Then my dirndl was a bit uncomfortable.  

It was a great evening with produced this epic face swap with my cousin. I'm still laughing at it this morning!! I'm also still no hungry...  

Ever wonder which dirndl style you are? Click here to take our quiz and find out now! 

May 02, 2016 — Erika Neumayer

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