Today is National East Meets West Day and learning about cultures outside of my own is one of my favorite things to do... and then mixing them is even more fun!  

One of the things I love seeing is how designers use other cultures as inspiration for their dirndl designs. Here are some of my favorite dirndl designs that are clearly inspired by Eastern countries and their cultures.


This dirndl design by Michaela Keune is really fun and colorful and I see a lot of Thai influence in this piece. The use of brighter colors, silk fabrics, and mixing prints has Thailand written all over it.  

This is a fun piece that reminds me of a lot of Eastern Europe. I see some Hungarian, Polish and Russian influence in this dirndl by Jaylicious Munich. Plus the background and long sleeve sweater/blouse has me thinking Russia all the way!  

This dirndl is one of my designs and I was inspired by the Ikat prints made in India. While the cotton is just a replica print the bright colors and unique design makes the Ahmedabad Dirndl still show an Indian influence!    

While not all of Africa is considered in the eastern hemisphere, I'm still including a Noh Nee Dirndl in this list because it's just so fabulous! I love her designs so very much and the mixing and matching of the African prints are truly wonderful!   

This is a One-of-a-Kind Dirndl that I designed that is made from fabric that my aunt brought back from Pakistan for me. The rich deep teal mixed with the bright gold is so unique and I love how the silk transformed a basic dirndl into a truly Middle Eastern inspired luxury dirndl

How do you feel about the mashups of different cultures? What do you think of these designs? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Ever wonder which dirndl style you are? Click here to take our quiz and find out now! 

April 25, 2017 — Erika Neumayer

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