7 Unusual (yet super fun) Places to Wear Your Dirndl
The obvious places to wear a dirndl are German festivals like Maifest, Frühlingsfest and Oktoberfest, as well as German club picnics and events. But what about stepping outside of the “dirndl comfort zone” and trying something new and maybe a little unusual? The following are 7 great, kinda weird, but totally fun places to wear your dirndl!
#1- A Sporting Event: Whether it’s a Germany soccer game, your club team’s game, a NHL game or even a rally or parade. Showing off your team love and your dirndl is super fun! Maybe you have a sports themed dirndl or a dirndl that is in the teams colors. Either way, it’s not everyday you see a dirndl at a sporting event!
#2- On Date Night: Even if it’s not a German restaurant, dressing in your dirndl for your honey on date night is not only unique but super fun! Maybe you both dress up together? Or maybe you forget date night and just go for a Girl’s Night Out! Why not wear your dirndl?
#3- For a Wedding: Do you need an Oktoberfest to wear your fancy schmancy dirndl? NAH! How about to your friend’s or cousin’s wedding? At the end of the day it is just an elegant dress, so why not wear it for a fancy occasion?
#4- To a School Dance: Along the same lines of a wedding, why not wear your dirndl instead of that taffeta mini dress you picked up at the mall. I can pretty much 100% guarantee that no one will show up to the dance in the same dress! (Which is always the big fear).
#5- To a Concert: Going to see your favorite local band? Or maybe you scored tickets to see Lady Gaga! Either way, why not wear your dirndl to the concert? You can grunge it up a bit with heavy jewelry and boots for a metal concert, or go all out elegant for a more intimate jazz performance. Nothing says I’m here to party with the band like a dirndl if you ask me!
#6- To a Birthday Party: Your birthday or someone else's... why not wear your dirndl for the party! While yes, if there is a German theme to the party it's a no brainer to wear a dirndl, but even if there is no theme... a dirndl is a great party dress.
#7- For Yoga: Ok... this one may be a stretch (no pun intended) but anytime is a great time to "stop drop and yoga!" Dancer's pose is especially fun when your wearing a dirndl ;-)
What other unusual places have you worn your dirndl? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
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