Heritage + Personal Style = Perfect Dirndl: Steph's Customer Spotlight
Hello! My name is Steph Betley and I am a special education teacher from Minnesota. In my free time, I enjoy shopping, yoga, and spending time with my friends and family.

These are photos of my very first Rare Dirndl, worn at my good friend Liz's "Brottoberfest" party. Liz is the sister-in-law of my best friend Amy. Both ladies have helped me embrace my German heritage and have accepted me into their "Dirndl Squad".

Amy, aka my "Friendship Frau" is a German teacher at the same school I work at. With the population of students, I work with, I don't get much exposure to students in the general education. Amy has "changed that" by accepting me into her little "German World". I help Amy Chaperone the GAPP (German American Partnership Program) Exchange and will be traveling to Germany for my 3rd time this summer! Through Amy and the GAPP Exchange, I have learned more about my heritage and what it truly means to be a German. These experiences have encouraged me to talk to my mother to hear more about the stories of my grandparents, who were born and raised in Germany. I want my heritage to be an active part of my life, and even my "little family" has embraced it 😄.

I decided to purchase my first Rare Dirndl, because I wanted it to represent the tradition of my German heritage while representing my own personal style. My favorite things about my Rare Dirndl are the quality of the material, the beautiful colors and patterns, and the unique flair that is modern but still represents traditional German heritage.