Customer Spotlight: Celebrating our German Heritage by wearing Dirndls at Home
We are all acutely aware that since 2020 our lives have been turned upside down and things we considered “normal” have shifted. Our favorite events have been cancelled, our habits changed dramatically and the way in which we communicate also shifted. Zoom is a common app, suddenly we all new hobbies, new ways to manage our mental health and we appreciated our healthcare workers more than ever.
One thing that remained the same among us dirndl fans… was our love for our heritage and dirndls! Many of us had grand plans of wearing our dirndls to annual German club picnics, summer festivals and of course, those Munich travel plans for Oktoberfest. All of those plans… poof - gone.
But that didn’t stop us from finding ways to wear our dirndls! Even during quarantine times, we found ways! Working from home? How about Trachten Fridays. German night at home... such a fun way to get everyone in the household dressed up. Virtual German Dinner Parties with friends via zoom? Hell Ya!
Here are some photos of our AMAZING customers making the BEST of a scheißsandwhich situation… of course, wearing their dirndls.