German-American’s Guide to Pisces Season
We’ve made it to Pisces season–the last sign of the zodiac before we start over again at Aries! Not gonna lie, I think Pisces season is so emo and can be heavy. Pisces is a water sign without many defenses, and feels so hard. Since Pisces is the last stop of the zodiac, it’s considered the end of the astrological year–it’s sort of December vibes without all the jollyness and festivities. If you’re feeling emotional or tired or want to stay home or feeling things are ending, you’re right there along with the rest of us! This is time to retreat, stay in, find some sanctuary in creativity or inspiration or fantasy! And wait it out until Aries season charges in.
Pisces season begins with a new moon, making it a perfect time to pause, reflect, and set intentions for healing and creativity. Pisces energy encourages retreat and introspection, so this new moon is ideal for being mindful of your energy and intentional about what you invite into your life.
Next, Venus moves into Aries. Venus in Aries can be BOLD, so even though we’re deep in Pisces energy, can you spend some time wearing clothes around the house that feel like a risk? Can you put yourself out there, artistically or in romance, in a forward and direct way?
After this we see Mercury, planet of communication and learning, move into Pisces. This is not the most straightforward placement for Mercury, so take extra time with your communication this month. It might feel like we don’t have access to verbal communication for a few weeks, but the benefit of this placement is that it helps with psychic communication, or visual, or anything other than directly speaking. Pay attention to your spidey senses, and if you’ve been wanting to work with your intuition, this is a great month for it.
When the Full Moon is there and Saturn moves into Pisces there's so much Piscean energy! You might just want to lay low–Pisces needs a lot of emotional and energetic integration time, time that looks like doing nothing. If you want to feel your feelings, stay at home and watch movies, or just check out (in a healthy way), this is a great day for that. Saturn is transitioning from Aquarius to Pisces for the next 3 years. This shift, which hasn't happened in nearly three decades, prompts us to establish boundaries in how we engage with our intuition and spirituality.
Venus has moved into Taurus, its home! Venus loves being in Taurus. During this phase, soak up the slowness and luxury; buy the good cheese, find your fuzziest blanket, and just relax!
How Pisces season might show up for you:
- You might be feeling like you need to hibernate, and that’s fine! Pisces is so much about how we retreat from the outside world and make space for our inner lives and voices. The more you can give yourself downtime and quiet down to listen to your intuition, the better! Pisces is Jupiter-ruled which is concerned about our inner worlds and the outer broad universe.
- You could be feeling a little melancholy–it’s the end of the astrological year, and we’re looking back over the past year and its lessons. This can be emotional! Just chill if you need to!
- Leo rules inspiration and creativity, so if you can, make art! It doesn’t even have to be about showing it to anyone, make it for you and for the sake of making. If you’re not a maker, go see some art! Read a poem, do something romantic for yourself or someone else, check out in healthy ways!

Ways to work with the energy of Pisces season:
- If you work with tarot, put the Moon card on your altar, and invite in all its mysterious, unknown energy
- Make time for creativity, especially if it’s out of your element or not your comfort zone.
- On Thursdays (Jupiter’s day), carve out some time to do something creative or inwardly expansive–meditate, doodle, take a bath.
- Prioritize retreat and sanctuary this season
Dirndl designs for Pisces season:
- The element of Pisces is water, and with that in mind, the Zodiac Dirndl in Pisces is a smooth and silky blue/purple knit with sea green ribbon.
- The corresponding colors for the bodice are shades of blue, pink and lavender.
- To embody the imaginativeness of the Pisces sign, there are pops of satin and textured vinyl in the bodice.

- Similarly, the Moon Rising Dirndl in Pisces has sea green and light pink ribbons with apron ties.

Food & drink for Pisces season
To get in the Pisces spirit (pun intended), you can whip up this infused liqueur with Pisces and Jupiter-ruled herbs:
Pisces Cocktail:
- Finely grated zest of 10 lemons
- 1 ½ c vodka (80-100 proof)
- 1 c dry vermouth
- 1 c simple syrup
Muddle the alcohol and lemon zest in a ½ gallon jar. Stir to mix.
Seal the jar and put it in a cool dark cabinet for a week, and strain. Stir in the simple syrup–you have a Lemon Drop!
Pisces Mocktail:
- Zest of 1 lemon
- 1” piece of fresh ginger, peeled + minced
- Your favorite herbal tea
Brew the tea with the lemon zest and ginger and drink hot! Mix in a little honey if you’d like.
Pisces Recipe:
A great recipe to try for Pisces season is the delicious Kabeljau in Senfsosse, or cod in German mustard sauce from Dirndl Kitchen.
About the Astrologer: Lacey Prpić Hedtke is an astrologer, photographer, public artist, and witch, and runs The Future–a space and shop in Minneapolis for artists and witches. You can find more at: