German-American’s Guide to Pisces Season: February 19-March 20

German-American’s Guide to Pisces Season

We’ve made it to Pisces season–the last sign of the zodiac before we start over again at Aries! Not gonna lie, I think Pisces season is so emo and can be heavy. Pisces is a water sign without many defenses, and feels so hard. Since Pisces is the last stop of the zodiac, it’s considered the end of the astrological year–it’s sort of December vibes without all the jollyness and festivities. If you’re feeling emotional or tired or want to stay home or feeling things are ending, you’re right there along with the rest of us! This is time to retreat, stay in, find some sanctuary in creativity or inspiration or fantasy! And wait it out until Aries season charges in.
February 20, 2023
German-American's Guide to Aquarius Season: January 21-February 18

German-American's Guide to Aquarius Season

We’ve made it to Aquarius season! Aquarians pride themselves on being weird–you might be noticing a lot of alien-themed memes going around or your Aquarius friends (if you have them–no one can find Aquarians–where are they??) could be doing some extra squawking about how unique they are. This season is one to let your freak flag fly–it’s deep enough into the winter that we’ve all been holed up at home working on something, spending time alone or with our inner circle, and it’s time to gather up your community, either in person or over the internet waves, for some togetherness.
January 21, 2023
German-American's Guide to Capricorn Season: December 21 - January 20

German-American's Guide to Capricorn Season

Capricorn season starts with the Winter Solstice, the day with the least light and the longest night. Which means Capricorn kicks off the season of light–each night a little more brightness. Two days later, we get the Capricorn new moon. So the beginning of Capricorn season might feel like beginnings and endings at the same time–Jupiter is ending its run in Pisces, Saturn finishing out its time in Aquarius, and Pluto ending its Capricorn era. 
December 23, 2022
German-American’s Guide to Sagittarius Season: November 22 - December 21

German-American’s Guide to Sagittarius Season

After the moody, introspective Scorpio season, Sagittarius comes in ready for socializing and fun and connecting with the outside world. Sagittarius is a Jupiter-ruled fiery sign, here to make a lot of plans, talk and think about big things, and prioritize fun and movement. The Sun, Venus + Mercury are all in Sagittarius at the kickoff to Sagittarius season, so it’s feeling extra expansive and Jupitarian.
November 22, 2022
German-American’s Guide to Scorpio Season: October 23-November 21

German-American’s Guide to Scorpio Season

Spooky season is upon us! We've been ready all month, and the start of Scorpio season will bring extra moodiness, introspection, and a heightened sense of melancholy as the Sun and Venus move into Mars-ruled Scorpio. Scorpio season is when we start to turn inwards, prepare to evolve into our winter selves, letting go of summer feelings and all the light that comes with it. This is the season to embrace the coming darkness of winter, in our outer and inner worlds. It’s an astrologically full month, so give yourself a lot of time to process and be aware of how you use your scorpion pincers!

October 24, 2022
German-American’s Guide to Libra season: September 22-October 22

German-American’s Guide to Libra season

We made it to Libra season! Venus-ruled Libra kicks off a new cycle, with the equinox in the evening. Equinox means “equal night”, which means the light and dark hours are the same today, a good day to think about balance. The day after the Sun moves into Libra, retrograding Mercury moves back into Virgo, so it might not feel like it’s full steam ahead–it might feel like we’re retracing some steps.
September 23, 2022
German American’s Guide to Virgo season: August 23-September 22

German American’s Guide to Virgo season

Virgo season is here to get us inspired about autumn coming, when we start looking ahead to what we’ll need to get through winter. Mercury-ruled Virgo season is back to school time, time to make lists of goals for the end of summer/beginning of fall/before the holidays.  

August 25, 2022
German American’s Guide to Leo Season: July 23-August 22

German American’s Guide to Leo Season

We’ve entered Leo season, ruled by the SUN! Time to soak it up! And let your inner light shine bright! Leo is all about self-expression, so it’s a great time to try experimenting with sharing a little more of yourself with the world! This is a season that can feel like the last harrah before we inch into fall, so after nesting during Cancer season, it really is time to get out there, put on some sunscreen, and get some sun on you!
July 26, 2022
German-American’s Guide to Cancer Season: June 21-July 22

German-American’s Guide to Cancer Season

We’re into cozy Cancer season! Cancer, a cardinal water sign, marks the beginning of summer with the solstice! Cancer season is a nice time to care for your home space–spruce up your bedroom or house, give your outdoor areas some love, do some gardening, tend to projects that have been on hold. Gemini season makes us curious about what’s out there, and Cancer season invites us to dive into what’s at home, what we return to after being curious. 

June 26, 2022
German American’s Guide to Gemini Season: May 21-June 20

German American’s Guide to Gemini Season

Happy Gemini season! After the lazy days of Taurus, we head into another quick sign–mutable Gemini, a curious air sign. Tis the season to make reading, learning, dabbling, planning a priority! Gemini’s planet Mercury is retrograde through June 3, so it’s a great time to think back on what projects you’ve already started, what conversations or ideas you’re interested in picking up again, where you have already planted some seeds around learning, thinking, travel, and where you can follow it to the next steps. Gemini season is when we want to be out and about, running into people, expanding our experience, overplanning and overbooking, and being excited to be mixing it up with the world again, after a long winter and spring.
May 27, 2022
German-American’s Guide to Taurus Season: April 19-May 20

German-American’s Guide to Taurus Season

As we move out of the fiery energy of Aries, we get to our most rooted sign, Taurus. This is kind of a funny time of year, as the Aries energy of spring has been screaming “We’re ready to go out in the world!” And then Taurus season comes along and wants to get cozy and stay home, not quite ready to get out and about. When do you leave the comfort of your home, Taurus season is the perfect time to be out in nature, breathe in the smells, quiet down and listen, and remember that you are in a human body (probably, if you’re reading this).
April 27, 2022
The German-American’s Guide to Aries Season

The German-American’s Guide to Aries Season

Happy Astrological New Year! The new year begins on the first day of Aries season, March 20 and is a season of fire, focusing on ourselves, taking initiative, going for it! Aries is ruled by Mars, the red planet that influences our ability to use our energy, how we direct it, how we get going, what we’re passionate about and how we fight or what we fight for. 
March 22, 2022