3 Ways to Wear a Sweater with your Dirndl

Best Outerwear for Your Dirndl: Sweaters, Jackets & More

Although the winter months are not typically the season for wearing dirndls, those who love dirndls will find a way! And let’s not forget that sometimes the fall (which is totally dirndl wearing season) can often be chilly as well.

February 01, 2023
What to Wear at Oktoberfest: The Complete Guide to Wearing a German Dirndl

What to Wear at Oktoberfest: The Complete Guide to Wearing a German Dirndl

Being a Dirndl designer, it is part of my job to make sure you are ready for any trip to Oktoberfest in Munich you may take, so here is my complete step-by-step guide to wearing a Dirndl at Oktoberfest. 

    June 06, 2022
    7 Oktoberfest Dirndl Fashion Trends to Watch for in 2022

    7 Oktoberfest Dirndl Fashion Trends to Watch for in 2022

    Every year the runways are full of fashion trends that trickle their way down to our closets and I have been keeping my eye on not only those fashions, but also what's going on in the dirndl fashion world. 
    May 29, 2022
    Top 30 German Beers of 2022

    Top 30 German Beers of 2022

    April 23rd is National German Beer Day!! That is the day that in 1516 the country’s famous “Reinheitsgebot” or “beer purity law” was enacted. This law restricts what ingredients can be used to make a German beer. Historically, the restriction on ingredients led to the extinction of many brewing traditions and local beer specialties, such as North German spiced beer and cherry beer. 
    April 18, 2022
    What NOT to wear to Oktoberfest

    What NOT to Wear to Oktoberfest

    Planning a trip to Munich for Oktoberfest? Here are our tips on what you should and should not wear. To avoid being 'that American', it is important to be aware of the fashion faux pas at Oktoberfest so you can dress accordingly and not become a spectacle of mockery or judgement.
    March 01, 2022
    How to Store Your Dirndl Apron

    Five Popular Ways to Store Your Dirndl Apron

    Recently one of my clients, Cathy, asked a great question in our Facebook Group. She posted, “How does everybody store the apron of their Dirndls?”

    The amazing community shared their ways of storing their dirndl aprons and the same 5 ways kept popping up!

    July 01, 2021
    Tips, Tricks & Hacks for Growing Edelweiss at Home

    Tips, Tricks & Hacks for Growing an Edelweiss Flower at Home

    In the past year, many folks have taken up gardening and being a houseplant mom (myself included). This got me thinking “I wonder if I can grow my own edelweiss here at home?” I am probably the farthest from a plant expert as it comes, so I reached out to my pal Farmer Dan for advice. We grew up together in the American Aid Society of German Descendents German Club, and he is a WEALTH of knowledge when it comes to anything that has to do with plants, dirt and veggies. I asked him if he had some tips, tricks and hacks for growing edelweiss at home. Will this Alpine beauty even grow here? Let’s find out!
    March 02, 2021
    How to Have a Mini Landestrachtenfest at Home!

    How to Have a Mini Landestrachtenfest at Home!

    I don’t know about you Erika, but I’m a little bummed about the upcoming weekend. We were supposed to be together in Cleveland for the Landestrachtenfest, but… leider nicht. #thanks2020

    My favorite part of the weekend is seeing my friends from all over the country, listening to German music, polkaing with my husband and wearing my dirndl all weekend.

    But you know what?! Let’s not let this pandemic get us down, we Schwobs are as resilient as it gets! 

    Below are some easy ideas you can use to have your own DIY Trachtenfest!

    September 08, 2020
    7 Hacks for Wearing Your Dirndl in the Heat of Summer

    7 Hacks for Wearing Your Dirndl in the Heat of Summer

    For most of us, the “Dirndl wearing season” starts up as the weather warms up. In the south, you may find yourself wearing your dirndl in the summer… but then it’s REAL hot! And that’s why I’ve put together my best tips for wearing your Dirndl in the heat of the summer. With these hacks, you’ll no longer fear 90+ degrees (even though we do not guarantee you won’t get any boob sweat… no getting away from that). 

    July 23, 2020
    How to Clean your Dirndl Post-Oktoberfest

    How to Clean your Dirndl Post-Oktoberfest

    The best part of Oktoberfest is the food, drink, Gemütlichkeit and, of course, wearing dirndls! The not so fun part is the mustard dripping on your apron, that drunk guy behind you spilling his Jägermeister on your blouse and just that overall stale beer smell your dirndl has because you may or may not have sat in a puddle of Spaten Oktoberfest. However, there is an easy way to solve this problem… a nice post Wiesn’ Dirndl cleaning.
    September 14, 2019
    10 Things you probably didn't know about Oktoberfest

    10 Things you probably didn't know about Oktoberfest

    While I personally have never been to Oktoberfest in Munich, I have done extensive research, talked to many folks who go every year and I was STILL so surprised to learn some of these stats. I can't wait to share them with you! 
    July 18, 2019
    Best Undergarments to Wear with a Dirndl

    Best Undergarments to Wear with Dirndl Outfits

    Underneath every great dirndl is a great set of underwear. Sometimes the perfect bra can make or break your Oktoberfest look. So let’s start at the top and work our way down, finding out which undergarments work best for your dirndl and what to avoid.
    June 03, 2019